
The Queen of Sheba

(British, 1882–1953)
Support: Artist's drawing board
Sheet: 31.6 x 25.4 cm (12 7/16 x 10 in.)
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Did You Know?

Edmund Dulac was such a devoted Anglophile that as a student his contemporaries referred to him as "l'Anglais" (English).


A celebrated artist of the golden age of British book illustration, the French-born Edmund Dulac was inspired by Persian miniatures and manuscript illustration. This watercolor was one of a series of four scenes painted to accompany a poem by André Dumas, Figures of the Orient. Dulac depicted legendary enchantresses of the East: Circe, Salome, Scheherazade, and here, the Queen of Sheba. Aloft a camel, the dark-haired beauty languorously surveys the arid landscape as she and her entourage approach the Holy Land. Vibrant silks spill out of the queen’s gold and lapis howdah, a veritable mosaic of texture and pattern.
The Queen of Sheba

The Queen of Sheba


Edmund Dulac

(British, 1882–1953)
England, 20th century

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